Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Mesin Antik Made In Germany: Keller u. Knappich G.m.b.H

mesin tik / typewriter

Mesin tik Made in Germany
Merek: Keller u. Knappich G.m.b.H
Augsburg Germany
Kondisi mulus dan normal

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Our latest entry is from J. in Washington State, and we find ourselves being introduced to this Princess 200, manufactured by Keller & Knappich of Germany. What a wonderful typewriter, with such graceful lines. I suspect that one will not find very many of these at local U.S. flea markets or shops. Let us now allow J. to tell the story, from this very machine (click to enlarge) . . .

Showcase YOUR favorite typewriter and let it shine in the spot light. Send your letter to me at Typewriters Around the World for publication here.

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